Werden Sie Teil der Bewegung! Viele Personen und Organisationen unterstützen das Monsanto Tribunal. Tun Sie es auch...
Personen: Die Liste der letzten 10 Personen die gezeichnet haben zur Unterstützung dieser Initiative finden Sie hier. Personen die sich anschliessen möchten, drücken auf den Knopf UNTERZEICHNEN!(Personen) rechts und füllen das Formular aus. Dankeschön!
Organisationen: Organisationen die sich anschliessen möchten, drücken auf der Knopf UNTERZEICHNEN!(Organisationen) rechts und füllen das Formular aus. Eine Übersicht der Organisationen, Unternehmen und Politische Parteien die diese Initiative bereits unterstützen finden Sie hier.
Ô7DélySs | o7delyss-traiteuradomicile.com |
Ödp-Kreisverband Aschaffenburg | www.oedp-ab.de |
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ÖDP) | www.oedp.de |
Ökotopia GmbH | www.oekotopia.de |
Πολιτιστικός και Αναπτυξιακος Σύλλογος Το ΑΝΤΑΜΩΜΑ | http://politismos-anaptixi.blogspot.gr/ |
420 Wolverhampton | Facebook.com/simondudley |
4DVerlag | www.4dverlag.de |
A Sud | asud.net |
AAAEN-CI Action pour l'Avenir de l'Environnement Naturel en Côte d'Ivoire | www.aaen-ci.org |
AAF - psychotherapie en natuurgeneeskunde | www.psycholooggouda.com |
Ab Kools Consult | www.kools-consult.org |
AB Reflex | www.abreflex.nl |
Abanitu Organics | abanituorganics.com |
Abibiman Foundation | www.abibimmanfoundation.org |
Ackergifte? Nein danke! | http://www.ackergifte-nein-danke.de/news/index.html |
Action Alex | https://www.facebook.com/ActionAlexMtl |
Action Réelle sur l'Environnement, l'enfance et la Jeunesse, Cinkassé TOGO | - |
ADABio | http://www.corabio.org/adabio |
ADALIA asbl | www.adalia.be |
Ademloos v.z.w. | Ademloos.be |
ADENY | http://adeny.overblog.com |
Adolf-Reichwein-Gesellschaft e.V. | www.arg-dialog.org |
Adstaginganddesign | Www.adstaginganddesign.com |
Afrique en Vie | www.afrique-en-vie.com |
AGIR POUR LE VIVANT | http://agirpourlevivant.org |
AGIR POUR LA CRAU | www.agirpourlacrau.fr |
Agir pour la Paix | www.agirpourlapaix.be |
Agrar Koordianation | www.agrarkoordination.de |
AGROLINK Association | www.agrolink.org |
AGROLINK Association | www.agrolink.org |
Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières | www.avsf.org |
Ahimsa | www.ahimsa.nl |
AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica | www.aiab.it |
Aide au Développement Gembloux (ADG) | www.ong-adg.be |
Akaija & Art | http://www.akaija.com |
Akron Nutrition Center | www.facebook.com/AkronNutritionCenter |
Aktion Agrar | www.aktion-agrar.de |
Aktion GEN-Klage | www.stopptgennahrungsmittel.de |
Aktion Selbstbesteuererung e.V. - Friede durch gerechte Entwicklungspolitik | www.aktion-selbstbesteuerung.de |
Aktionsbündnis für eine genechnikfreie Landwirtschaft in Sachsen | www.sachsen-gentechnik.de |
Aladay LLC/Aladay Organic Farms | www.aladayllc.com |
Alaska Community Action on Toxics | www.akaction.org |
algamar | www.algamar.com |
Align Utah | www.wealignutah.com |
Allerweltshaus Köln e.V. | www.allerweltshaus.de |
Alliance écologiste indépendante | www.alliance-ecologiste-independante.com |
Alliance Anticorrida | http://www.allianceanticorrida.fr/ |
Alliance for Democracy (US) | www.thealliancefordemocracy.org |
Alliance Sud | http://www.alliancesud.ch/en |
Almuth Ernsting | www.biofuelwatch.org.uk |
Alpe Adria Green , Mednarodno društvo za varstvo okolja in narave | https://alpeadriagreen.wordpress.com/o-nas-2/ |
Altercampagne | http://www.altercampagne.net/ |
ALTERNATIBA GRENOBLE | https://alternatiba.eu/grenoble/ |
Alternative Agriculture Network Thailand | www.sathai.org |
Alternative Community Peliti | www.peliti.gr |
Alternatives | www.alternatives.ca |
Alterre-Native | www.alterre-native.fr |
AMAp Les Courgettes | http://www.amaplescourgettes.eu/ |
AMAP TAULIGNAN C'est de saison! | miramap.org |
AMBROSIAM | www.ambrosiam.org |
America Matters Media AMNews | www.aladayllc.com |
Americas Best Farm | Americasbestfarm.com |
Amie Vis Danse asbl | www.aime-vis-danse.be |
AmiEs de la Terre de Québec | http://atquebec.org/ |
Amigos da Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho | goncalodecarvalho.blogspot.com |
Amigos de la Tierra Argentina | amigossdelatierra.org.ar |
Amigos de la Tierra España | www.tierra.org |
Amigos del Río San Rodrigo, A.C. | www.amigosdelriosanrodrigo.org |
Amis de l'écologie dans le monde arabe | Badaelmag |
Amis de la Terre Belgique | www.amisdelaterre.be |
Animal Interfaith Alliance | www.animal-interfaith-alliance.com |
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Inc. | www.animalvegetablemineral.org |
anstiftung ggmbh | www.anstiftung.de |
APAB | http://www.apab.it |
Apicultores mayas de maní SC de RL | Www.apisalimentaria.con |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) e.V | www.abl-ev.de |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für biologisch-dynamischen Landbau Thüringen e. V. | keine Website |
ARCHE NOAH, Gesellschaft für die Erhaltung der Kulturpflanzenvielfalt und ihre Entwicklung | www.arche-noah.at |
Arcyvert | www.arcyvert.com |
ARIA LINDA | http://www.arialinda-asso.com/ |
ARKOSE | www.arkose.com |
Artisans du Monde - Rouen | http://artisansdumonderouen.org/ |
ARTS RADEN | artsraden2.blogspot.com |
Asamblea Ambiental de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires | https://www.facebook.com/Asamblea-Ambiental-de-la-Ciudad-de-Buenos-Aires-1558020491176801/?fref=ts |
Asamblea Malvinas lucha por la vida | https://www.facebook.com/Malvinas-lucha-por-la-Vida-424159400959844/?fref=ts |
Asamblea Paren de FumigarNos | https://www.facebook.com/rosanagutierez1 |
Asamblea Río Cuarto sin Agrotóxicos | https://www.facebook.com/Asamblea-Rio-Cuarto-sin-Agrotoxicos-888722781166003/ |
Asamblea Regional de Pueblos Fumigados | https://asamblearegionaldepueblosfumigados.wordpress.com/ |
Asbl Pirouettes | www.pirouettes.be |
Asbl Together Belgique | www.together.belgique.be |
ASEED Europe | www.aseed.net |
Asia Pacific Research Network | www.aprnet.org |
ASIAN PEASANT COALITION (APC) | www.asianpeasant.org |
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) | www.arrow.org.my |
ASOCIACIÓN ÚNETE AL PLANETA | www.unetealplaneta.org |
ASOCIACIÓN ÚNETE AL PLANETA | www.unetealplaneta.org |
Asociación Apicultura de Andalucía | www.apiculturadeandalucia.es |
Asociación Civil Semilla del Sur | www.facebook.com/semilladelsur |
Asociación Cultural A Tu Ritmo | www.aturitmo.org |
Asociación de Mujeres de Órgiva | http://mujeresdeorgiva.blogspot.nl/ |
Asociación Galega de Apicultores | http://www.apiculturagalega.es/ |
Asociación Pluriculturalidad Jurídica de Guatemala - Plurijur - | http://plurijur.blogspot.com/ |
Asociación por la Justicia Ambiental AJAM | www.justiciaambiental.org |
Asociacion Apicultura de Andalucia | www.apiculturadeandalucia.org |
Asociacion Be Pe | www.facebook.com/asociacionBP/ |
Asociacion Gremial de Agricultura Biologico Dinamica de Chile A.G. | www.agriculturabiologicodianmica.cl |
Asociacion Nacional de Fomento A la Agricultura Ecologica | www.anafae.org |
Asociación Vida Sana | www.vidasana.org |
Assemblée des Citoyens du Monde - ASCOP | www.recim.org |
Asso Pégase Périgord Limousin | http://ecocentre.org/ |
Associação Alternativa Terrazul | www.alternativaterrazul.org.br |
Associação Brasileira de Agroecologia | http://www.aba-agroecologia.org.br/ |
Associação monte da amOrada | - |
Associació Pastinaca | http://pastinaca.cat/wordpress/ |
Association Suisse-Vietnam | vsv-asv.ch |
Association Action Citoyenne et Ecologique | en préparation |
Association Agir pour les droits de l'Homme | www.agirdtshomme.fr |
Association Agroécologie et Développement Durable ASD-Mali | - |
Association Agroécologie France Sénégal (AFS) | www.agroecologie-senegal-glf.org |
Association Auberfabrik | www.auberfabrik.com |
Association Béo-neeré Burkina Faso | - |
Association Belge pour l'Environnement et la santé | |
Association Cueillir | www.asso.cueillir.over-blog.com |
Association de Coopération Laïque Educative et Sociale | http://www.acles.fr/ |
Association de Réflexions, d’Echanges et d’Actions pour l’environnement et le développement, AREA-ED | www.area-ed.org |
Association Domaine de la Chapelle | www.domaine-de-la-chapelle.org |
Association Eau et Rivières de Bretagne | www.eau-et-rivieres.asso.fr/ |
Association Environnement et Securité de Pont l'Eveque | |
association FESTIV'IN | www.art-n-jazz.com |
Association Foll'Avoine | http://lafolleavoine.org/ |
Association France Amérique Latine | Afalafal.fr |
Association Global Society | www.globalsocietynetwork.org |
Association Gran-mér-kal | Nous n' en n' avons pas |
Association I Sbuleca Mare | www.isbulecamare.org |
Association Initiatives Dionysiennes | www.aid97400.re |
Association inter-zone pour le Développement en Milieu Rural - AIDMR Burkina Faso | - |
Association Internationale pour le Soutien aux Économies Sociétales - AISES | www.aises-fr.org |
Association Kheper | www.kheper.org |
association l'âge de faire | www.demain-en-mains.info |
Association La Libellule | www.lalibellule.ch |
Association La Main de L'espoir | - |
Association Le poney instituteur | leponeyinstituteur.com |
Association Les Amis Mots | https://www.facebook.com/Lesamis Mots |
Association Les Gypaètes Barbus | www.facebook.com/groups/les.gypaetes.barbus66 |
Association Mutations | www.mutations.fr |
Association NiceFuture | Www.nicefuture.com |
Association of Indigenous Peoples' Development | http://atipd.tw/ |
Association of journalists-environmentalists | https://www.facebook.com/www.aje.inf/ |
Association of Sustainability Practitioners | Www.sustainabilitypractitioners.org |
Association Phyto-Victimes | www.phyto-victimes.fr |
Association pour la Promotion d'une Agriculture Durable - Sanguié Burkina Faso | - |
Association Projet Nauyaca | www.projetnauyaca.org |
Association Soin de la Terre | http://www.soin-de-la-terre.org |
Association Tango y Algo Mas | www.tangoyalgomas.fr |
Associazione Ernesto Ragazzoni | https://www.facebook.com/Ass-Ernesto-Ragazzoni-235687186571452/ |
Associazione Medici per l'Ambiente - ISDE Italia | www.isde.it |
associazione natura & psiche | http://naturaepsiche.jimdo.com/ |
Associazione per l'Agricoltura Biodinamica | www.biodinamica.org |
Atchafalaya Basinkeeper | www.basinkeeper.org |
Atout Vrac | atoutvrac.com |
attac Regionalgruppe Darmstadt | http://www.attac-netzwerk.de/darmstadt/gruppe-da/ |
AttacGruppe Diepholz Nord | Www.attac.de |
ATV De Rekere | http://www.atvderekere.nl/ |
Auberge communale Eclépens | auberge-eclepens.ch |
Australian Institute of Ecological Agriculture Cooperative Ltd | www.ecoag.org.au |
Autre Terre | http://www.autreterre.org/ |
Avalon Foundation | www.avalon.nl |
Aware and Vibrant Living | awareandvibrantliving.com |
Axyal Node LLC | Axyalnodehealingarts.com |
Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall | www.besh.de |
Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall | www.besh.de |
Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchiw-Dannenberg | www.bi-luechow-dannenberg.de |
Bahoui | www.bahoui.com |
BASE Investigaciones Sociales | www.baseis.org.py |
be it and balanced | befitandbalanced.com |
Becket Films (The Seeds of Vandana Shiva) | vandanashivamovie.com |
BEDE - Biodiversité Echanges et Diffusion d'Expériences | http://www.bede-asso.org/ |
Bee Life | www.bee-life.eu |
BEEHOME GUEST HOUSE | www.beehome.fr |
Beltane Naturkost GmbH | www.beltane.de |
BENE | naturalia.fr |
Bergmästarens Trafikskola AB | www.bergmastarenstrafikskola.se |
Berliner Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Umwelt und Entwicklung (BLUE 21) | www.blue21.de |
Berliner Wassertisch | www.berliner-wassertisch.info |
Better Food For Better Kids | www.BetterFoodForBetterKids.org |
Beyond GM | www.beyond-gm.org |
Beyond Pesticides Network - Canada | http://beyondpesticides.org/ |
Beyond Toxics | www.beyondtoxics.org |
Bicitekas A.C. | www.bicitekas.org |
Bierzo Aire Limpio | http://www.bierzoairelimpio.org/ |
Bijenweelde | www.bijenweelde.nl |
BIO CONSOM'ACTEURS PROVENCE FRANCE | www.bioconsomacteursprovence.com |
Bio em Casa | www.bioemcasa.com |
Bio Solidaire Senillé | www.biosolidairesenille.fr |
Bio-Bangladesh | www.biobangladesh.net |
Bio-Lëtzebuerg - Vereenegung fir Bio-Landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl. | http://bio-letzebuerg.lu/ |
Bio-Veyre | Www.bio-veyre.fr |
BioBangladesh | www.biobangladesh.net |
BioBureau | www.biobureau.nl |
Biocoop | http://biocoop-aligre.biocoop.net/ |
BIOCOOP - Le Grenier Vert | biocoop.fr |
BIOCOOP -CROQ'BIO | www.biocoop-croqbio.com |
biocoop bio tea full | www.bioteafull.fr |
BIOCOOP Bionacelle | bionacelle.fr |
BIOCOOP CESTAS | www.biocoopcestas.biocoop.net |
BIOCOOP CHOLET | http://www.biocoop-cholet.fr/ |
Biocoop du Mantois | biocoop.epone.net |
Biocoop Finis Terra | www.finisterra.fr |
biocoop gujan mestas/ ANDERNOS | www.biocoop-gujanmestras.fr |
Biocoop Konkar'BIO | www.biocoop-konkarbio.bzh |
Biocoop la Canopée | http://lacanopee.biocoop.net/ |
biocoop la claire fontaine | laclairefontaine.biocoop.net |
Biocoop La Pyramide | http://lapyramide.biocoop.net/ |
Biocoop Le Cres | www.biocoop-lecres.fr |
Biocoop le Retour à la TErre | www.leretouralaterre.fr |
BIOCOOP MALEMORT | www.biocoop-malemort.fr |
biocoop MOUTIERS | http:www.biocoop-moutiers.com |
Biocoop Nature Elements | http://www.biocoop.fr/magasins-bio/Trouver-mon-magasin-Biocoop/Provence-Alpes-Cote-d-Azur/Vaucluse/NATURE-ELEMENTS |
BIOCOOP S.A | www.biocoop.fr |
Biocoop Saint Lo | saint-lo.fr |
Biocoop sisteron | Contact@biocoopsisteron.fr |
BIOCOOP SYMBIOSE | http://www.biocoop-symbiose.fr/ |
Biodiversity Conservation Center | www.biodiversity.ru |
Biodynamic Association | www.biodynamics.com |
Biodynamic Association | www.biodynamic.org.uk |
Biodynamic Association | www.biodynamisk.dk |
Bioforum Schweiz | bioforumschweiz.ch |
BioForum Vlaanderen | bioforumvlaanderen.be |
biorespect | http://www.biorespect.ch/ |
BioRitme Festival | www.bioritmefestival.org |
Biosafety Alliance | http://biosafetyalliance.org/ |
BIOSITIVE BIOCOOP PROVINS | https://www.facebook.com/Biocoop-Biositive-790957224303864/ |
BioTerra | http://bioterra.blogspot.pt/ |
Biovision Foundation | www.biovision.ch/en/home/ |
Biowatch South Afric | http://www.biowatch.org.za/ |
Blabla Geweldloze Communicatie in Vlaanderen | Www.blabla-Blabla.be |
Blossom 070 | www.blossom070.nl |
Bluepingu e.V. | www.bluepingu.de |
Bobmarler Bobmarler American wildlife Society | robert.marler@cox.net |
Bodensee Akademie | www.bodenseeakadmie.at |
Body Bliss Connection, LLC | www.bodyblissconnection.com |
Bodyshop.se | bodystore.se |
Both ENDS | www.bothends.org |
Botswana Organic Agriculture Federation | N/A |
Brabantse Milieufederatie | www.barabantsemilieufederatie.nl |
Bread for all | http://www.bfa-ppp.ch |
bright future lab | www.brightfuturelab.nl |
Brindway | www.brindway.com |
Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights | https://buddhistcourt-gov.net |
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND) | www.bund.net |
BUND kandertal | kandertal@bund.net |
Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V. | www.n-bnn.de |
Bureau speelberg | www.bureauspeelberg.nl |
Busy B Fzrm | busybfarm.com |
Buy Pure New Zealand | www.buypurenz.com |
Byron Hinterland Seed Savers | www.byronseedshare.org |
C-C Boarding Home | www.ccboardinghome.org |
Caba BIOCOOP | Cababiocoop |
CADTM | www.cadtm.org |
Calcuta Ondoan, ONGD | www.calcutaondoan.org |
Calpulli Tecalco | calpullitecalco.com |
Cambodian Grassroots Cross-sector Network | https://www.facebook.com/CambodiaGrassrootsPeopleAssembly/?ref=bookmarks |
Campaña "Paren de Fumigar las Escuelas" | http://escuelasfumigadas.blogspot.com.ar/ |
Campanha pelas Sementes Livres | http://gaia.org.pt/sosementes |
Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida (Campaign against pesticides and for life) | http://contraosagrotoxicos.org |
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) | www.cban.ca |
Canadian Council on Food Sovereignty & Health | CCFSH.ORG |
Cantoalagua | www.cantoalagua.com |
CaPAS del Valle | https://www.facebook.com/groups/capasdelvalle/?fref=ts |
Carbon Coach Ltd | Www.carboncoach.com |
CarpetworksUK Ltd | www.carpetworksuk.com |
Cartago Orgánico | https://www.facebook.com/MercaditoAzulCR |
ccfd terre solidaire 77 | http://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/ |
CCFD-Terre Solidaire | http://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/ |
CDCA - Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali | www.cdca.it |
CEHLAC | www.cehlac.blogspot.com |
CEMIDA (Centro de Militantes para la Democracia Argentina) | www.cemida.com.ar |
CENESTA, Center for Sustainable Development | celesta.org |
Center for Bangladesh Studies | www.cbsbd.org |
Center for Farmworker Families | www.farmworkerfamily.org |
Center For Humanity | centerforhumanity.org |
Centre Agroécologique de Production de Semences Tropicales - Gao, Mali | - |
Centre de Recherche pour la Gestion de la Biodiversité (CRGB) | www.crgbbj.org |
Centre Europe-Tiers Monde (CETIM) | www.cetim.ch |
Centre Régional d'Ecoénegétique d'Aquitaine (CREAQ) | creaq.org |
Centre Social Centre Ville / ALSH La Médina | www.centresocial-centreville.com |
Centro de Apoyo para el Movimiento Popular de Occidente, A. C. CAMPO Jalisco | https://www.facebook.com/CAMPO-AC-315563762029/facebook CAMPO, A. C. |
CENTRO DE CIENCIAS DO HOMEM DA UENF -Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense | www.uenf.br |
Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas para o Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul Bahia - CEPEDES | www.cepedes.org.br |
Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Rural AC | https://m.facebook.com/Centro-de-Investigaci%C3%B3n-y-Capacitaci%C3%B3n-Rural-AC-210374828980480/ |
Centro Didattico Euroamericano sulle Politiche Costituzionali Università del Salento | www.cedeuam.it |
CEO Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm | none |
CEO Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm | None |
CGP | www.cgpictures.com |
Cha's Organics (Sahana Ayurvedic Products, Inc) | www.chasorganics.com |
CHAMADE | http://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-chamade |
Checkr | www.checkr.com |
CHEF514 | www.chef514.com |
Chewelah United Church of Christ | chewelahucc.org |
Chico 350 | chico350.org |
Chispa asbl | www.chispa.be |
Circkles.com | circkles.com |
Circkles.com | circkles.com |
CIRCULOS DE SEMENTES | http://circulosdesementes.blogspot.nl/ |
Cirkulinės ekonomikos institutas | www.cei.lt |
CITEMA | www.associtema.eu |
Citizens Against Ruining the Environment | willcountycare.org |
Citizens Organizing for Resources & Environment | www.TexomaCORE.org |
Citizens Rights Watch | http://www.citizensrw.org/index.php |
City of Mosier, Oregon | http://cityofmosier.com |
Clair de plume 34 | http://clairdeplume34.over-blog.com |
Classic Purity Organics | www.classicpurity.com |
Clean Adriatic Sea Alliance | www.cleanadriatic.org |
Clean Food Movement - Malta | https://www.facebook.com/MarchAgainstMonsantoMalta/ |
Clic'n Bio | clicnbio.com |
Climáximo | climaximo.wordpress.com |
Clovercrest farm | None |
Club of Anarchy | www.club-of-anarchy.org |
CNCD-11.11.11 | www.cncd.be |
Coalition des Alternatives Africaines Dette et Développement, CAD MALI | http://www.cadmali.org/ |
Coalition pour la Protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain (COPAGEN) | www.copagen.org |
CocoLicious | www.Coco-Licious.com |
CODDHD | http://bit.ly/2miNago |
CODEPINK | http://www.codepink.org |
Coeur de Forêt | Www.coeurdeforet.com |
Colectivo Tierra Viva Bolívar | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1665187687131685/?fref=ts |
Colectivo Tinta Verde | https://tintaverde.wordpress.com |
Colibri | www.colibri-foundation.org |
Collectif animalier | http://collectifanimalier06.org/ |
Collectif anti OGM 31 | antiogm31.over-blog.org/ |
Collectif Citoyen pour l'Agro-Ecologie (CCAE) | www.ccae-burkina.org |
Collectif de soutien Faucheurs volontaires d'OGM Gard-Cévennes | http://www.faucheurs-volontaires.fr/ |
Collectif National des Faucheuses et Faucheurs Volontaires d'OGM | http://www.faucheurs-volontaires.fr/ |
Collectif pour le Respect de l'Animal (COPRA) | http://copranimal.free.fr |
Collectif Torba | http://agroecologie-algerie.org/ |
College of the Melissae; Center for Sacred Beekeeping | www.collegeofthemelissae.org |
Comité Ouest Africain des Semences Paysannes (COASP) | http://www.bede-asso.org/collaborations-par-theme/reseaux-veilles-coalitions/coalitions/coasp-comite-ouest-africain-des-semences-paysannes/ |
Comité pour le respect des droits humains "Daniel Gillard" | https://www.facebook.com/comitedaniel.gillard/ |
Comite d´Ethique Citoyen | http://comitedethique.wix.com/comitedethique |
Commune d'Ungersheim | www.mairie-ungersheim.fr |
Community Agroecology Network | www.CANunite.org |
Community Alliance for Global Justice | www.cagj.org |
Compito | http://compito.com |
Comunidée | www.comunidee.com |
Comunidad Mapuche Epu Lafken | Vero Azpiroz Cleñan |
Confederación General del Trabajo - CGT | www.cgt.org.es |
Conscious Development Company B.V. | www.consciousdevelopment.eu |
Conseil National de l'Agriculture Biologique (CNABio) | www.cnabio.net |
Consejo de Visiones Guardianes de la Tierra | www.consejodevisiones.org |
Consommateurs pas cobayes! | www.consommateurspascobayes.com |
CONSTRUISONS ENSEMBLE LE MONDE | http://www.ongcem.org |
Convention Vie et Nature | www.ecologie-radicale.org |
Cook and Cakes | www.cookandcakes.com |
Cook@Home | http://cook-at-home.fr/ |
CooLabora - Intervneção Social | www.coolabora.pt |
Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin | http://www.coopcafeberlin.de/ |
Coopérative Intégrale Réunionnaise | www.cir.re |
Cooperatie EcoRevolte | www.ecorevolte.org |
Cooperativa Agrosol | http://ranchoagrosol.blogspot.mx/ |
Cooperativas Sin Fronteras | http://www.cooperativasinfronteras.net/index.php/en/ |
Cooperative of Producers and Consumers of Eco Products, OIKOZOI | http://www.oikozoibiocorfu.com/index.php/gr/ |
Coordination Against BAYER-Dangers | www.CBGnetwork.org |
Coordination Climat Justice Sociale | www.climatjusticesociale.org |
COPAGEN - Coalition pour la Protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain | http://terres-copagen.inadesfo.net/LA-COPAGEN-une-Coalition-pour-la |
Corporación Pro Romeral | https://es-es.facebook.com/proromeral |
Corporación Regional Agroecológica CORA | www.facebook.com/Corpocora/ |
CORPORACION CONCIENCIA VERDE | https://www.facebook.com/c0ncienciaverde |
Corporate Europe Observatory | www.corporateeurope.org |
Creative Kids Yoga | www.creativekidsyoga.com |
Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries | www.cookingincrete.com |
Critter Connection | www.bestbirdfoodever.com |
CROC LA VIE | www.croc-la-vie.com |
CSFV 49 (Comité de Soutien aux Faucheurs-euses volontaires 49) | https://csfv49.wordpress.com/ |
Cuatro Puertas | www.c4puertas.org |
Cusibani S.A. de C.V. | www.cusibani.com.mx |
D Olde Bakkerieje | www.oldebakkerieje.nl |
DAC | https://twitter.com/ArnaudApoteker |
DAMS INC | www.amalgam.org |
De Bolderik | www.debolderik.net |
De Groene Musketier | www.degroenemusketier.nl |
De groenen Draak | https://www.facebook.com/groenendraak/ |
De Grote Transitie | www.degrotetransitie.nl |
de oerakker | www.deoerakker.nl |
Deineseite.at e.U. | Www.DeineSeite.at |
Del Pueblo Al Plato | DelPuebloAlPlato.com |
Demeter Gärtnerhof Westerwinkel | www.gärtnerhof-westerwinkel.de |
Demeter International e.V | www.demeter.net |
Demeter Italia | www.demeter.it |
Des Racines et des cimes asbl | https://www.facebook.com/desracinesetdescimes |
Die Freien Bäcker - Zeit für Verantwortung e.V. | www.die-baecker.org |
Dimence Groep | www.dimence.nl |
dis.forme | www.disforme.org |
Dolphins & Whales publishing bv | www.wanttoknow.nl - .be |
Dominicus gemeente Amsterdam en veel positief betrokken en opgebouwde landbouw organisaties | www.wilbrord-nature.nl |
Dry Dock Services | www.drydockservices.com.au |
DRYRES - Drylands Research and Resilience | https://www.facebook.com/groups/246925205357927/ |
du Panier à l'Assiette | dupanieralassiette.fr |
Duruzama | Duruzama.be |
e-graine d'images | http://egrainedimages.com/ |
EARL la ferme du hanneton | la-ferme-du-hanneton.net |
Earth & Oceans Developments | www.earthandceans.co.za |
Earth Focus Foundation | www.earthfocusfoundation.org |
Earth Law Alliance | earthlawyers.org |
Earth Rights Institute | earthrights.net |
Earth Thrive | www.earth-thrive.org |
EATegrity | www.eategrity.co.za |
EAYE - European Association of Young Educators | www.youngeducators.eu |
Echange Nord Sud | echangenordsud.org |
EcoAlternative.net | www.ecoalternative.net |
EcoAlternative.net | www.ecoalternative.net |
ECOAR))) | ecoarglobal.org |
EcoAttitude | ecoattitude.org |
ecocolmena | www.ecocolmena.com |
Ecodefensores Colombia | https://www.facebook.com/EcodefensoresColombia/?fref=ts |
Ecodefensores Colombia | https://www.facebook.com/EcodefensoresColombia/?fref=ts |
Ecodefensores Colombia | https://www.facebook.com/EcodefensoresColombia/?fref=ts |
Ecoland | www.ecoland.de |
ECOLOGIE pour la région de FECAMP ECOREFE | ECOREFE.fr |
Ecologische buurtmoestuin Wibauttuin | www.wibauttuin.nl |
Ecolprovys Mundos posibles corporación colectiva | ecolprovys.blogspot.com.co/ |
EcoMujer e.V. | www.ecomujer.org |
EcoMujer e.V. | www.ecomujer.org |
Ecoropa | http://www.ecoropa.info/about |
ECOSUR, Ecología, Cultura y Educación desde los Pueblos del Sur | www.fundacionecosur.org.ar |
ECOTERRA e.V. | www.ecoterra.de |
ECOTERRA International | ecoterra-international.org |
Ecotylédon | http://www.ecotyledon.fr/ |
Ecoworld of Scandinavia | www.ecoworldscandinavia.com |
edition SOPHIA Verlag | --- |
Edye's Naturals | edyesnaturals.com |
Effio BV | www.effio.eu |
EKODER | www.ekoder.org.tr |
Ekologistak Martxan | www.ekologistakmartxan.org |
Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu | www.eto.org. tr |
El Archipiélago del Gusto | https://www.facebook.com/elarchipielagodelgusto/ |
El Barzón Nacional | www.elbarzon.mx |
El Brot SCCL | www.elbrot.cat |
El Graner De Gelida | www.facebook.com/GranerDeGelida |
El Hombre Sobre la Tierra | www.elhombresobrelatierra.org |
El Paraná NO se toca | https://www.facebook.com/ElParanaNOsetoca/ |
Elegast | Www.elegast.nl |
EMMAUS LYON | www.emmaus-lyon.org |
Empathy Surplus Project | http://www.empathysurplus.com |
en bord d'ô | www.theatreenbordo.com |
End Ecocide Sweden | endecocide.se |
Entraide et Fraternité | www.entraide.be |
Envirohealth | WWW.EnvirohealthMatters.org |
Environmental Association for Latin America | www.latinambiente.org |
EPI VERT | www.lepivert.biocoop.net |
Epicerie Les Ptits Bocaux | epicerie-lesptitsbocaux.fr |
EPICERIE PAYSANNE LES PISSENLITS | http://psaltis.fr/un-primeur-militant-a-saint-victor-les-paysans-prennent-le-pouvoir/ |
Erwin-Warth-Stiftung für Flora, Fauna, Umwelt | Erwin-Warth-Stiftung |
Escuela de Agricultura Ecológica U Yits Kaan | www.uyitskaan.org |
Espace de Solidarité et de Coopération de l'Oriental (ESCO) | http://charaf-123.webobo.biz/ |
Esprit des bois | espritdersbois.wordpress.com |
Et c'est heureux car mon frère n'aime pas les épinards | www.lesepinards.fr |
ETC Group | www.etcgroup.org |
ethecon- foundation ethics & economy | https://www.ethecon.org/en/451 |
Ethik-Labor | www.ethik-labor.ch |
Eurafrika Foundation | eurafrika.nl |
Eurl Netideal | http://www.netideal.fr |
EUROPE ECOLOGIE LES VERTS | http://eelv.fr/ |
Europe Ecologie les Verts Pays Basque | http://aquitaine.eelv.fr |
European Anti Poverty Network Nederland | Www.eapnned.nl |
European Youth for Action (EYFA) | eyfa.org |
EX-Diabetic.org | www.ex-diabetic.org |
EZA Fairer Handel | www.eza.cc |
Fédération du Tarn pour la Pêche et la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques | www.pechetarn.fr |
Fédération Française des Nouveaux Installés | www.facebook.com/ecosite22paysdauge/ |
Fédération Nationale des Organisations Paysannes - FENOP | http://www.fenop.org |
FABLAB ENSAPVS | https://www.facebook.com/FabLab-Ensapvs-737245226350901/ |
FABLAB ENSAPVS | https://www.facebook.com/FabLab-Ensapvs-737245226350901/ |
FACES DO BRASIL - Plataforma de Comércio Justo e Solidário | facesdobrasil.org.br |
Fahamu Africa | http://www.fahamu.org |
Fair Play Fabrics | www.fairplayfabrics.nl |
Fair World Project | www.fairworldproject.org |
Family Farm Defenders | www.familyfarmdefenders.org |
Family Farming Platform - Sierra Leone | www.ruralforum.net |
Farmers for Farmers Network (FFF) | N/A |
Farmworker Association of Florida | www.floridafarmworkers.org |
Farmworker Association of Florida | www.floridafarmworkers.org |
FASE | www.fase.org.br |
Faucheurs Volontaires d'OGM d'Ardèche | nogm.effraie.org |
Federacion de Asociaciones de Mujeres de la Alpujarra | www.servidasenred.net |
Feierabendglück GmbH | www.feierabendglück.de |
Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN | www.feministischepartei.de |
Ferme de maraîchage en agriculture biologique | http://agencebio.org/ |
Ferme Nos Pilifs | www.fermenospilifs.be |
Ferme ty coz | Fermetycoz |
FIDA - Fédération Internationale de la Diaspora Afar | www.fida-afar.org |
FIRAB - Italian Foundation for Research on Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture | www.firab.it |
Firma | Www.balazs-Komforthaus.de |
FJORDEN | www.fjorden.de |
Flor.es.Sens Systems | |
FOCO Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos | www.inpade.org.ar |
Focus on the Global South | www.focusweb.org |
Fomento Agroalimentario Mexicano s.a. de c.v. | www.fam-mexico.com |
Fondation Lea Nature | leanature.com |
Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l'Homme | fnh.org |
Fondazione Agriculture | www.fondazioneagriculture.org |
Fontenay-sous-Bio | www.alaconquetedubio.fr |
Food & Water Watch | www.foodandwaterwatch.org |
Food Democracy Now! | foodddemocracynow.org |
Food Freedom Radio | http://www.am950radio.com/shows/food-freedom |
Food Freedom Radio - AM950 | http://www.am950radio.com/shows/food-freedom |
Food Revolution Network | foodrevolution.org |
Food Revolution Network | www.foodrevolution.org |
FoodFirst | foodfirst.org |
FOODwatch Australia | https://www.facebook.com/foodwatchwa/?fref=ts |
Foodways at Nana Cardoon | Nanacardoon.com |
FORO AMBIENTAL DE LOS TOLDOS | www.foroambiental.com |
Foro Ambiental | foroambiental.net |
Foro Ecologista de Paraná | https://www.facebook.com/foroecologista |
Foro por la Salud y el Ambiente de Vicente López | www.foroporlasalud.org.ar |
Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika (FDCL) | www.fdcl.org |
Fortunate Farm LLC | www.fortunatefarm.com |
Forum Bien-être | www.forumbienetre.fr |
Forum Civique Européen | www.forumcivique.org |
FOS-SocSol-Limburg | www.fos-socsol.be |
Francais du monde adfe Pays-Bas | http://fdmadfe.nl/ |
FRANCE-GESTALT-THERAPIE | www.france-gestalt.fr |
Freekeh Foods Inc. | www.freekeh-foods.com |
Freshwater Action Network Mexico | www.fanmexico.net |
Friends of Sherwood | www.STOP366.wordpress.com |
Friends of the Earth Australia | www.foe.org.au |
Friends of the Earth Canada | www.foecanada.org |
Friends of the Earth Cyprus | www.foecyprus.org |
Friends of the Earth Europe | www.foeeurope.org |
Friends of the Earth Ireland | www.foe.ie |
Friends of the Earth U.S. | www.foe.org |
Friends of the Siberian Forests | www.sibforests.org |
Friends of the Siberian Forests | www.sibforest.org |
Fuentes | www.ayanafuentesuno.com |
FUERA MONSANTO DE PERGAMINO, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA | https://www.facebook.com/fueramonsantodepergamino/ |
Fundação Vida para Todos - ABAI | www.fvida.org.br |
Fundación Jan Amos Comenius - Educación y Ecología | https://www.facebook.com/escuelamontessoriJanAmosComenius/?fref=ts |
Fundación La Esperanzita - Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Ecológica en el Trópico Húmedo | https://www.facebook.com/fundacion.laesperanzita?fref=ts |
Fundación Mundubat | www.mundubat.org |
Fundación Tigua Ni | https://sites.google.com/site/fundaciontiguani/directory |
Fundacion ALTROPICO | www.altropico.org.ec |
FUNDACION PAN | www.fundacionpan.com |
FUNDACION PARA LA COOPERACIÓN APY SOLIDARIDAD EN ACCIÓN | www.stopprivatizando.org; www.apysolidaridad.org |
Fundacion Terram | www.terram.cl |
GAIA, Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental | http://gaia.org.pt/ |
Garden City Organic | facebook.com/gardencityorganic |
GE Free NZ in Food and Environment | www.gefree.org.nz |
Gen-ethisches Netzwerk | http://www.gen-ethisches-netzwerk.de |
Gene Ethics | www.genethics.org |
Generations Futures | www.generations-futures.fr |
Genesis Farm | genesisfarm.org |
Gentechvrij | http://www.gentechvrij.nl/ |
Genussgemeinschaft Städter und Bauern e.V. | www.genussgemeinschaft.de |
Gezonde Moestuin | http://www.gezondemoestuin.nl/ |
GlassDharma | www.glassdharma.com |
GlassDharma | www.glassdharma.com |
Global Forest Coalition | www.globalforestcoalition.org |
Global Justice Now | http://www.globaljustice.org.uk/ |
Global Marshall Plan Lokalgruppe Solingen | https://www.facebook.com/globalmarshallplansolingen/ |
GM-Free Australia Alliance Inc | www.gmfreeaustralia.org |
GMO free Europe | www.gentechnikfreies-europa.eu |
GMO Free Florida | www.gmofreeflorida.org |
GMO Free USA | www.gmofreeusa.org |
GMO Inside | http://www.gmoinside.org |
GMO-Free Prescott | www.gmofreeprescottaz.org |
GMWatch | gmwatch.org |
GNH Centre Bhutan | www.gnhcentrebhutan.org |
GoedeWaar.n l | www.goedewaar.nl |
GoedeWaar.nl | www.goedewaar.nl |
gogreenoakpark | https://gogreenoakpark.wordpress.com/ |
Got Produce Franchising Inc | http://gotproduce.us/ |
Gproduction | Geoffreysecco.com |
Grüne Bäuerinnen und Bauern | www.bauern.gruene.at |
Grütter Media | www.gruettermedia.ch |
grütter media | www.gruettermedia.ch |
Grassroots International | grassrootsonline.org |
Green Action PH | greenactionph.wordpress.com |
Green America | http://greenamerica.org |
Green Cambridge, Inc. | www.greencambridge.org |
Green Cross Netherlands | www.gcint.org |
Green Earth Goods | Greenearthgoodsllc.com |
GREEN HORIZON | www.climatdeveloppement.org/lercd/green-horizon-cameroun/ |
Green Mantle (Ecosophy) Limited | http://www.green-mantle.co.uk/ |
Green Minds | https://www.facebook.com/Green.Minds.N.P.O/ |
Green Network of Vojvodina | www.zelenamreza.org |
Green Party of Monterey County | Monterey County Green Party on Facebook |
Green'Houilles | https://www.facebook.com/greenhouilles/ |
Greenpeace International | www.greenpeace.org |
Grizzlead | www.grizzlead.com |
Groene Liefde | www.groeneliefde.nl |
Groundswell International | http://www.groundswellinternational.org |
Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN | www.unionpacifiste.org |
Grundeco | www.grundeco.net |
Grupo de Estudios Ambientales (GEA A.C.) | www.geaac.org |
Grupo de Trabajo Cambio Climático y Justicia (GTCCJ) | ccjusticiabolivia.org |
Grupo Semente | https://www.facebook.com/gruposemente.mt/?ref=bookmarks |
Grupo Semillas | www.semillas.org.co |
Guadalupe Madre Tierra | gmadretierra.org |
GUAYAPI | ww.guayapi.com |
Hafengruppe Hamburg | hafengruppe-hamburg.de |
Harrington Investments, Inc. | www.harringtoninvestments.com |
Healing Earth Refuge and Legislation | http://www.meetup.com/HEALove/ |
Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) | http://www.homef.org/ |
HEALTHY FOODS GLOBAL PRODUCTION LTD | www.healthyfoods.com.ng |
Healthy Solutions | iahp.com/janettewarren |
HEKO | Www.Heko.Site |
Herb Nepal | www.herbnepal.com |
Herbolario La Alacena Bio | Www.servidasenred.net |
Herefordshire Friends of the Earth | https://www.foe.co.uk/groups/herefordshire |
Het Zoete Land | www.hetzoeteland.nl |
Hilton Head for Peace | http://pjep.org/organizations/?id=1268 |
Hivos | www.hivos.org |
Hof Pente GbR | www.hofpente.de |
Human Life Development Initiative | www.hldi.org.so |
Human Power Foundation | no |
Human Rights in Action | www.derechoshumanosenaccion.com |
HUMANIATAIRE | http://citoyenmondecameroun.doomby.com |
HUMANITAIRE | http://www.recim.org/asso/humanitaire.htm |
Hummingbird Wholesale Organic Food Distributor | Hummingbirdwholesale.com |
HUNAMAR (Huveaune Nature Marseille) | www.hunamar.org |
Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF) | www.hedfpk.com |
ICPPC - International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside | www.icppc.pl |
IFOAM | www.ifoam.bio |
ILEIA | http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/ |
ILEIA | http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/about-us/members/the-netherlands |
Illinois Right to Know GMO | www.IllinoisRightToKnowGMO.org |
Inades – Formation Burkina | http://www.inadesfo.net/ |
Incroyables comestibles Bordeaux | https://www.facebook.com/groups/452130404833661/ |
Independent Farmers Association for Community Development | N/A |
Indignación, Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A.C. | www.indignacion.org.mx |
Indira Travel | www.indiratravel.nl |
Ingalan | www.ingalan.org |
Ingrud Groen Permacultuur | Https:www.Facebook.com/Ingrid-Groen-Permacultuur-798076806869734/?fref=ts |
INIT ENVIRONNEMENT | Init-environnement.com/blog |
Initiative Domäne Oberfeld e.V. | http://www.initiative-oberfeld.de/ |
Initiative für eine gentechnikfreie Metropolregion Hamburg | www.hh-genfrei.de |
inlandschap achitectuur&duurzaamheid | www.inlandschap.nl |
INOFO: Inter-continental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations | http://inofo.ifoam.org/ |
Inspiration of Sedona | www.inspirationofsedona.org |
Inspiration of Sedona | www.inspirationofsedona.org |
Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First | www.foodfirst.org |
Institute of Science in Society | www.i-sis.org.uk |
Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales de Guatemala (IDEAR) | http://idear.congcoop.org.gt/ |
Instituto de Salud Socioambiental de la Facultad de Cs Médicas Universidad Nacional de Rosario | https://www.facebook.com/saludsocioambiental.fcmunr/?fref=photo |
Instituto Ecohabitar | institutoecohabitar.org |
INSTITUTO MANIVA | www.institutomaniva.org |
Instituto Maya, AC | sinmaiznohaypais.org |
Inter-Environnement Wallonie | www.iewonline.be |
interAMAP44 | http://www.amap44.org/ |
INTERPHAZ | www.interphaz.org |
inti Ferreira | www.intiferreira.eu |
inZélesta | FB inZelesta |
IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network for a Toxics-Free Future) | www.ipen.org |
Irkutsk State University | http://isu.ru/ru/ |
ISM Glas und Bauelemente GmbH | www.ismberlin.de |
ISNAT asbl - Institut Supérieur de Naturopathie Traditionnelle | www.isnat.eu |
Istaku spinini ac | Www.istakuspinini.org |
Ithaka Institute | www.ithaka-institut.org |
IVN afdeling Hellendoorn Nijverdal | www.ivn.nl/afdeling/hellendoorn-nijverdal |
Jadranski zid | https://www.facebook.com/Jadranski-zid |
Jardinsfamiliaux de la Garonne | jardinsfamiliauxgaronne.fr |
Jeunes Écologistes Bordeaux-Aquitaine | https://www.facebook.com/JE.BordeauxAquitaine |
Joanne DePalma . | joannedepalma.com |
Joe's connected garden | Www.facebook.com/joesconnectedgarden |
Jovenes por la trasparencia | Facebook/jovenes por la trasparencia |
Junge Grüne Schweiz | www.jungegruene.ch |
Just Us! Centre for Small Farms | www.centreforsmallfarms.ca |
Ka Tribu ug ang Lasang Foundation (The Tribe and the Forest Foundation) | none |
Ka'Kuxtal Much' Meyaj, Asociación Civil | https://www.facebook.com/kakuxtalmm/# |
Kalbos | http://www.kalbos.nl |
Kameradist*innen | http://kameradisten.org |
Kampagne Olivenöl aus Palästina | www.olivenoel-palaestina.ch |
Kampeerterrein de Blauwe Haan | www.blauwehaan.nl |
Kapilar | http://kapilar.rs/ |
Kathy Weber Creative | kathy@4weber.com |
KC Hancock Art | www.kchancock.com |
Kenya Biodiversity Coalition (KBioC) | www.kbioc.org |
Kerrisdale Professional Accounting Group Inc. | http://www.kpagcpa.com/ |
Keys for Healing LLC | keysforhealing.com |
Kids Right to Know | www.kidsrighttoknow.com |
KILUSANG MAGBUBUKID NG PILIPINAS (KMP) | www.kilusangmagbubukidngpilipinas.com |
KinderKookfestijn | www.kinderkookfestijn.nl |
Klara Hermans Erfgoedontsluiting | www.erfgoedontsluiting.be |
Kleinbauern-Vereinigung | www.kleinbauern.ch |
Komunitas Petani Jember | maskusumadiharja.blogspot.com |
KONG ISLAND | www.kong-island.com |
Konsumentensolidarität-Jetzt | www.consolnow.org |
KOTHOWAIN (vulnerable peoples development organization) | www.kothowain.org |
L'assoc Beche A Melle | http://blogs.paysmellois.org/lassosbecheamelle/ |
La Caracole | http://lacaracole.skynetblogs.be/about.html |
LA COLMENA FELIZ | http://colmenafeliz.blogspot.com.es/ |
La Compañía Natural | - |
La Compañia Natural | compania natural (blog). |
La Dársena_Plataforma de Pensamiento e Interacción Artística | www.plataformaladarsena.blogspot.com |
La Garbancita Ecológica Soc. Coop. Consumo Responsable Agroecológico | www.lagarbancitaecologica.org |
La Granja de Masphael | www.lagranjademasphael.org |
La Oruga | https://www.facebook.com/LaOrugaEnNutricion/ |
La Paperie | www.lapaperie.eu |
La Pluma.net | www.lapluma.net |
La ruche qui dit oui | Https://www.facebook.com/ruchepoitierscentre/ |
La smala | la-smala.com |
La Via Campesina | www.viacampesina.org/en |
La Voie est libre | http://www.lavoieestlibre.org/ |
LabelGMOs.org | www.labelgmos.org |
Laboratoire Analyses Microbiologiques Sols | http://www.lams-21.com |
Ladybug Acres Natural Growers | None |
Last Organic Outpost | lastorganicoutpost.com |
Latvian Green Movement | www.zalie.lv |
LAZUUR foodcommunity Wageningen | www.lazuur.com |
Le Baraban | www.baraban.fr |
Le panier romageois | www.facebook.com/LeRomageois/ |
Le Pantographe | https://pantographe.info/ |
Le Quattuordecim | www.isabelleaugagneur.fr |
lehmann natur GmbH | www.lehmann-natur.com |
Leicester Friends of the Earth | https://www.foe.co.uk/groups/leicester |
Leids Instituut voor Cultuurstudies (Leiden Inst. for Culture Studies) | www.cultuurstudies.nl |
Les Amis Mots | www.amismots.org |
LES COLIBRIS | www.colibris-lemouvement.org |
Les Compagnons de la Transition asbl | http://lescompagnonsdelatransition.jimdo.com/ |
Les faiseurs de rêves | www.lesfaiseurs2reve.com |
Les films du réveil | http://lesfilmsdureveil.free.fr/ |
Les Jardins et Vergers de la Chouette de DIJON | http://jardins-dijon.forumgratuit.org/forum |
Les Moustaches | www.lesmoustaches.farm |
Les Paniers Davoine | www.lespaniersdavoine.com |
Les Petits Plats d'Antoine | http://lespetitsplatsdantoine.fr |
Libre à toi asbl | www.aefmat.be |
Lien en Pays d'OC | http://www.lienenpaysdoc.com/ |
Lien en Pays d'OC | http://www.lienenpaysdoc.com/ |
Locally Delicious | locally-delicious.org |
Locally Delicious | www.locally-delicious.org |
Locally Delicious Inc. a 501(c)3 non profit | www.locally-delicious.org |
Locals for Local Change | www.LocalsForLocalChange.com |
Long Branch Environmental Education Center | longbrancheec.org |
Los Pies en la Tierra | http://lespiedsdanslaterre.jimdo.com/ |
Lotus Blossom Clinic | www.LotusBlossomClinic.com |
Lotus Medicine | www.lotusmedicine.net |
Lovechock | www.lovechock.com |
LULU - Graine d'un Monde - | http://www.lulu-dijon.com/ |
Lusthofxl | www.lusthofxl.nl |
Mémé Georgette | www.memegeorgette.com |
Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg | www.muetter-gegen-den-krieg-berlin.de |
MADGE Australia | www.madge.org.au |
MADGE Australia Inc | www.madge.org.au |
Madres de Ituzaingo Anexo (Linea Fundadora) | https://m.facebook.com/Madres-De-Ituzaingo-Anexo-Linea-Fundadora-183331305350756/?refid=17 |
Magasin Biocoop Lunel | http://www.biocoop-lunel.coop/ |
Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag-unlad ng Agrikultura (MASIPAG) | www.masipag.org |
Maison du développement durable | maisondd.be |
MALE'VA | https://assomaleva.wordpress.com/ |
MANAVAÏ | www.lepivert.biocoop.net |
Mantasa | www.mantasa.org |
March Against Monsanto | www.march-against-monsanto.com |
March against Monsanto Alkmaar | http://www.marchagainstmonsanto.nl/ |
March Against Monsanto Düsseldorf | https://stop-monsanto.tumblr.com/ |
March Against Monsanto Spring Hill FL | n/a |
March Against Monsanto Tampa Florida | http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/home/ |
March Against Monsanto, Victoria, BC | https://www.facebook.com/March-Against-Monsanto-Victoria-BC-131780307023088/ |
Margaret river Environmnet Centre | www.mrrec.org.au |
MARIE ET VOUS | marie-et-vous.com |
Marius Engelbrecht Trainingen | www.mariusengelbrecht.nl |
Martinshof | www.martins-hof.at |
Maryland Pesticide Education Network | www.mdpestnet.org |
Masipag Mindanao, Inc. | www.masipagmindanao.org |
Massachusetts Right To Know GMOs | MARightToKnow.org |
MasterPeace Ro | http://masterpeacero.blogspot.ro/ |
MC-Garten UG | https://www.facebook.com/mcgarten.ug?ref=br_rs |
Media5 | www.media5.co.nz |
medico international | www.medico.de |
medico international schweiz | www.medicointernational.ch |
MEDIO AMBIENTE Y SOCIEDAD, A.C. | http://medioambientebcs.blogshttp://medioambientebcs.blogspot.mx/pot.mx/ |
Melanie Amani | http://www.melanieamani.com |
Melido | Www.melido.fr |
Mellifera e. V. | www.melifera.de |
Mercado Alternativo de Tlalpan | www.mercadoalternativodetlalpan.com |
Mercado Alternativo de Tlalpan | www.mercadoalternativodetlalpan.com |
Mercado el 100 | https://www.facebook.com/Mercadoel100/ |
Merchant Services Group LLC | mservicegroup.com |
Mercola.com | mercola.com |
Mercury Press International | mercurypress.com |
Meridian Holistic | www.MeridianHolistic.com |
Microhabitat | Microhabitat.ca |
Microsfere | www.microsfere.org |
Midnight Cry Birth Services | midnightcrybirthservices.com |
Milieudefensie | www.milieudefensie.nl |
Miljøpartiet De Grønne Steinkjer | http://steinkjer.mdg.no/ |
Millennium Institute | http://www.millennium-institute.org/ |
Mindful World Productions | www.mindfulworldproductions.com |
MIRAMAP | http://miramap.org/ |
Moderne Hexe e.U. | Www.modernehexe.at |
MOLA | www.molaevento.com |
Moms Across America | www.momsacrossamerica.com |
Moms Across America | www.momsacrossamerica.com |
Monde Ethique | http://www.monde-ethique.fr/ |
Morón SurCo | http://moronsurco.wix.com/moronsurco |
Mouvement de l'Agriculture Bio-Dynamique | www.bio-dynamie.org |
MOUVEMENT UTOPIA | www.mouvementutopia.org |
Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform | www.monlar.lk |
mpOC (Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance) | www.mpOC.be |
Mt Alexander Fruit Gardens | www.mafg.com.au |
MT Energie | http:/www.mtenergie.com |
Multi'colors | www.multicolors.org |
MultiWatch | www.multiwatch.ch |
MultiWatch Regionalgruppe Basel | www.multiwatch.ch |
Nacel Arcoíris 13.20.33 | https://www.facebook.com/nacel.arcoiris/?fref=ts |
Namoseke Monsanto | http://demoinfo.com.py/tag/namoseke-monsanto/ |
Napam – Beogo | www.napam-beogo.com |
Natagora | http://www.natagora.be/ |
National Alliance of People's Movements | www.napm-india.org |
National Association for Genetic Safety (NAGS) | oagb.ru |
National Association of Peasant Reserve Zones | https://www.facebook.com/anzorc |
National Health Freedom Action | nationalhealthfreedom.org |
National Health Freedom Coalition | www.nationalhealthfreedom.org |
NationofChange | NationofChange.org |
Naturabati | Www.naturabati.com |
Natural Solutions | |
Naturaleza de Derechos | www.naturalezadederechos.org |
Nature et Progrès Belgique | www.natpro.be |
Nature's Organic Grist | www.naturesorganicgrist.com |
Nature&Potager en ville | natureetpotagerenville.fr |
Naturefriends | http://naturefriends.gr/ |
Naturefriends Greece | http://www.naturefriends.gr |
naturerights | www.naturerights.com |
Natuur Instituut | http://www.natuurinstituut.nl |
Navdanya | www.navdanya.org |
NE GOVORU MRŽNJE - ISTINOM PROTIV LAŽI | http://www.globalmediaplanet.info/ |
Nederhout | www.nederhout.nl |
Neo Cosmo | www.neo-cosmo.info |
Netwerk Vitale Landbouw en Voeding | http://nvlv.nl |
Network for Human Rights, Equality and Social Justice | https://www.facebook.com/groups/7676368547/ |
Netzfrauen | https://netzfrauen.org/ |
New York Permaculture Exchange | www.permaculture-exchange.org |
NGO Angel | www.ngoangel.ucoz.ru |
NGO Eco-club "Tapan" (Arc) | www/spareworld.org/armenia |
NGO Eco-club "Tapan" (Ark) | www.tapan.am |
Nicky's Place | www.nickysplace.nl |
No al Fracking Nuevo León | @NofrackingenNuevoLeon |
NO GMO TAIWAN | http://gmo.agron.ntu.edu.tw/noGM/index.htm |
NOAH , Friends of the Earth Denmark | noah.dk |
Noordelijk Zadennetwerk | www.noordelijkzadennetwerk.nl |
Noordelijk ZadenNetwerk | www.noordelijkzadennetwerk.nl |
North Ltd | www.northltd.co.za |
Northeast Organic Farming Association- Massachusetts | www.nofamass.org |
Northland Toxin Awareness Group - NTAG | www.ntag.com |
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance | namanet.org |
Nourish Scotland | http://www.nourishscotland.org |
nuit debout Dijon | http://ndbdijon.wix.com/dijon |
Nuit debout Paris | nuitdebout.fr |
nut burgers | http://www.nutburgers.com/ |
Nutrition House Canada Inc. | www.nutritionhouse.com |
NYC77EVENTS | nyc77events.weebly.com |
o2pluie | WWW.o2pluie.fr |
Observatorio de cultivos y cultivadores declarados ilícitos OCDI-GLOBAL | www.ocdiglobal.org |
Observatorio del sur | www.observatoriodelsur.unr.edu.ar |
Ocean Beach People's Organic Food Co-op | www.obpeoplesfood.coop |
Oermoeder.org | www.oermoeder.org |
OHBA | www.ohbaonline.org |
ois possible | www.facebook.com/ois.possible |
Om de tuin | http://omdetuin.nl/ |
Omslag Werklaats vor Duurzame Ontwikkeling | http://www.omslag.nl |
ona lab, s.l. | www.nomadesign.org |
ONEgroup | www.miessence.com |
Ong AFRICANDO | www.africando.org |
Ong AFRICANDO | www.africando.org |
Ongd AFRICANDO | www.africando.org |
open house e.V. | openhouse-site.de |
Optimists Without Borders | www.optimistan.org |
Organic African Self Education | www.oase.green |
Organic Consumers Association | www.organicconsumers.org |
Organic Farmers' Markets of Attica | www.bioagores.org |
Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) | http://www.osgata.org/ |
Organic Skincare & Bodyworx | www.organicskincareandbodyworx.com |
Organisation des Ruraux pour une Agriculture Durable - ORAD | http://fipao.faso-dev.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ORAD-BEDE.pdf |
Organisation pour le Développement Durable et Intégré de la Guinée, ODDI | http://www.cspps.org/cspps-members |
Other Worlds | otherworldsarepossible.org |
OTROS MUNDOS, A.C. | http://www.otrosmundoschiapas.org/ |
OurEarthOnline Ltd | www.OurEarthOnline.com |
Pacific Rainforest Wildlife Guardians | http://www.rainforestwildlife.org |
Paesaggi Meridiani | www.paesaggimeridiani.it |
Pakhuis de Règâh | www.deregah.nl |
PAN Africa | www.pan-afrique.org |
PAN Europe | http://www.pan-europe.info/ |
PAN North America | www.panna.org |
PAN North America | www.panna.org |
PAN-Holland | www.PAN-Holland.nl |
PAN-Italia | www.pan-italia.it |
PAPHC, Inc. | PAPHC.org |
PAPHC, Inc. | http://www.paphc.org |
PAPHC, Inc. | paphc.org |
Parc naturel Viroin-Hermeton | www.pnvh.be |
Parkveld blijft te Heverlee | www.parkveld.org |
Parti de Gauche | www.lepartidegauche.fr/ |
Partito Ecoanimalista | https://it-it.facebook.com/PartitoEcoAnimalistaUfficiale |
Partners for the Land & Agricultural Needs of Traditional Peoples (PLANT) | www.plantpartners.org |
Partners for the Land & Agricultural Needs of Traditional Peoples (PLANT) | www.plantpartners.org |
Partnerships for Change | www.partnershipsforchange.com |
PASMEP Plateforme d’Actions à la Sécurisation des Ménages Pastoraux | www.pasmep.org |
Patients' Rights Advocacy Waikato Inc | www.patientsrights.org.nz |
Peace Action of San Mateo County | www.sanmateopeaceaction.org |
Peace and Freedom Party, on the ballot for socialism, in California | http://www.peaceandfreedom.org/home/ |
Per Madre Terra Onlus | www.permadreterra.it |
Perfect Earth BV | www.perfect.earth |
Perisyllogi Social Cooperative | www.perisyllogi.gr |
Permakultur Danmark | permakultur-danmark.dk |
Permakultur-Landwirtschaft | www.permakultur-landwirtschaft.org |
Pertubuhan Angkatan Bahaman Temerloh | angkatanbahaman.blogspot.com |
Pesticide Action Group of Western Australia | www.pesticideactiongroupwa.com |
Pesticide Action Network - UK | www.pan-uk.org |
Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa new Zealand | www.pananz.net |
Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific (PANAP) | www.panap.net |
Pesticide Action Network International | http://pan-international.org/, www.panap.net |
Pesticide Action Network Philippines | http://www.panphils-org.collectivetech.org/panphils/ |
Pesticide Action Nexus Association (PAN-Ethiopia) | Under construction |
Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk e.V. (PAN Germany) | www.pan-germany.org |
PESTIZIDFREIE REGION | http://www.pestizidfreieregion.wordpress.com |
Petal Passion | https://petalpassion.net |
Pionirska | www.pionirska.com |
Plant Based Conservatives | http://plant-basedconservatives.com/ |
Plante et Planète | www.planteetplanete.org |
Plataforma Andalucía Libre de Transgénicos | www.redandaluzadesemillas.org/palt |
Plataforma Cel Net | http://plataformacelnet.blogspot.com.es |
Plataforma Ser-vidas en Red | www.servidasenred.net |
Plataforma Transgénicos Fora (Portuguese GM Free Coalition) | www.stopogm.net |
Plateforme pour une agriculture socialement durable | www.agrisodu.ch |
Plukgeluk vzw | www.facebook.com/plukgelukbe |
PLURIBUS EUROPE | www.pluribus-europe.com |
Podružnica | https://www.facebook.com/podruznica.co/ |
Popular Resistance | PopularResistance.org |
Por los 1000 metros libres de fumigacion en Necochea | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1555571278065811/?fref=ts |
Portuguese Platform NO to the Transatlantic Treaty | https://www.nao-ao-ttip.pt/ |
potager des oiseaux | http://potagerdesoiseaux@gmail.com |
Presentation Sisters of Western Australia | www.presentationsociety.com |
Pro Longo maï | www.prolongomai.ch |
Pro Natura Jura | www.pronatura-ju.ch |
Procesos Integrales Para la Autogestión de lost Pueblos (PIAP, A.AC) | no |
Proeflocatie De PolLepel | www.proeflocatiedepol-lepel.nl |
Programa de Pluralismo Jurídico y Vigencia de Derechos del CIESAS (PLURAL) | ciesas.edu.mx |
Project Agent Orange | http://projectagentorange.com/simplemachinesforum/index.php?board=1.0 |
Project Agent Orange | http://www.projectagentorange.com/ |
ProNatura | www.pronatura.com |
Protect CA Food | http://www.protectcafood.org/ |
Psychotheker | www.psychotheker.nl |
PURE & ECO INDIA | www.pureecoindia.in |
Pure Coverz | www.purecoverz.com |
QA Engineering | qaengineering.com |
Quality Therapeutics Ltd | Passionate About Healing |
Quinoa asbl | www.quinoa.be |
Réseau Cohérence | www.reseau-coherence.org |
Réseau des Ecocentres France Belgique | www.ecocentres.eu |
Réseau des GASAP | www.gasap.be |
Réseau National des Psychologues | http://www.reseaupsychologues.eu/ |
Réseau Semences Paysannes | www.semencespaysannes.org |
Radar | radar974.com |
Radiant Wellness | www.radiantwellnessns.com |
Radio LoRa | www.lora.ch |
Radio Lora | lora.ch |
RAMA | http://www.lafatela.com/23/repoblaci%C3%B3n-en-la-sierra-de-gata- |
Rancho de los Proyectos | www.ranchoproyectos.us |
Rancho de los Proyectos | www.ranchoproyectos.us |
Raydiant Health Centre | raydianthealthcenter.com |
Reciclarte | www.reciclarte.com |
Reclaim the Seeds | www.reclaimtheseeds.nl |
Red Bridge Capital Pty Ltd | www.redbridgecapital.com.au |
Red Buhito por la Defensa de los derechos de Niños/as y adolescentes | no tenemos sitio Web |
RED CANARIA DE SEMILLAS | https://www.facebook.com/RedCanSemillas/ |
Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas de América Latina | www.rap-al.org |
Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en méxico (RAPAM) A.C. | www.rapam.org |
Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en Méxiuco (RAPAM) A.C: | www.rapam.org |
Red de Salud Popular "Dr. Ramón Carrillo" Chaco | Fundación Ramón Carrillo. Chaco. facebook |
Red de Semillas "Resembrando e Intercambiando" | www.redsemillas.info |
Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos "Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos" | www.redtdt.org.mx |
Red Socioambiental Semillas | https://www.facebook.com/RedSocioAmbientalSemillas/ |
Rede Raízes da Mata - Rede Agroecológica de Prosumidores | facebook.com/raizesdamata |
Refresh Brussels | www.refresh.brussels |
Refresh-xl asbl | www.refresh.brussels |
Regeneration International | www.regenerationinternational.org |
Regionalgruppe Westmünsterland im Aufbruch Deutschland Gold-Rot-Schwarz | http://www.aufbruch-gold-rot-schwarz.net/en/ |
REMTEA | http://remtea.blogspot.com.br |
Rencontre des Continents | http://rencontredescontinents.be |
Rencontres et Débats Autrement | www.rencontres-et-debats-autrement.fr |
Reparatur- und Service-Zentrum R.U.S.Z | www.rusz.at, www.facebook.com/rusz.at |
Research Centre for Gender, Family and Emvironment in Development | cgfed.org.vn |
RESIST AGROCHEMICAL TNCs | www.kilusangmagbubukidngpilipinas.com |
Respect Planet | www.respect-planet.com |
Responsible Eating And Living (REAL) | http://responsibleeatingandliving.com |
Rettet den Regenwald | www.regenwald.org |
Rice Girl productions | www.myricegirl.com |
Right To Know Hernando County FL | none |
RightOnCanada.ca | www.rightoncanada.ca |
Rights of Nature Europe | http://www.rightsofnature.eu/ |
Rights of Nature Netherlands | www.rechtenvoordenatuur.org |
Robert4Rep | www.rcmason.com |
Rosario es un Pueblo Fumigado | Grupo FB: Rosario es un Pueblo Fumigado |
Roseline | Provencehipposervices.com |
Rudolf Steiner Health Center | www.steinerhealth.org |
Rueda Verde | facebook: Rueda Verde |
Ruskin Mill Trust | www.rmt.org |
SÖL - Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau | www.soel.de |
S.A.F.F.O.K. INC Securing Australia's Future For Our Kids | www.saffok.org |
Sabio orgánicos | www.sabio.mx |
Safe Food Campaign | www.safefood.org.nz |
SAFE safe food advocacy Europe | www.safefoodadvocacy.eu |
SAG Schweizer Allianz Gentechfrei | www.gentechfrei.ch |
Sakhalin Environment Watch | www.ecosakh.ru |
Salomon ehf | www.salomon.is |
Salva la Selva | http://www.salvalaselva.org |
Same Planet | www.facebook.com/sameplanet |
SAMSE | www.twitter.com/Tapson |
Sanctuary of Mana Ke`a Gardens | www.hawaiisanctuary.org |
Sanctuary of Mana Ke`a Gardens | www.hawaiisanctuary.org |
Sandrose Stiftung | www.sandrose.info |
Sanjuaninos en Buenos Aires | https://www.facebook.com/Sanjuaninos-en-BA-contra-la-megaminer%C3%ADa--1510185805958090/?fref=ts |
Sano y Salvo • Safe and Sound, Primera Asociación Campesina e Indígena de Cultura y Producción Ecológicas en la Biosfera del Sureste de Nicaragua | under construction |
Santa Paula Animal Clinic, Inc | santapaulaanimalclinic.com |
Santos Organics | www. santosorganics.com.au |
SAP/Grenzeloos | www.grenzeloos.org |
Sauvegarde des Requins | https://sauvegardedesrequins.wordpress.com/ |
Save Our Trees Western Australia | www.saveourtrees.net |
Scalpfoto | Scalpfoto.com |
School for Wellbeing Studies and Research - Towards Organic Asia (TOA) | www.schoolforwellbeing.org/toa |
School of Myth & Movement Art | www.mythmovearts.org |
SCI projets internationaux | Www.scibelgium.be |
Sciences Citoyennes | www.sciencescitoyennes.org/ |
Sciences Publica, student organization in Sciences Po, campus of Reims | https://www.facebook.com/SciencesPublica |
Scientists for Global Responsibility | www.sgr.org.uk |
Scop la porte des cébettes / Biocoop Anduze | www.biocoopanduze.fr |
SCOP Montois | www.lemontois.ch |
Scottish Hazards | www.scottishhazards.org |
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society | http://www.seashepherd.org/ |
Second Look | www.SLweb.org |
Seed Freedom Food Festival | www.facebook.com/seedfreedomfestivaladelaide |
SEEDS ACTION NETWORK - SAN-germany | n.a. |
SEELAND Medienkooperative e.V. | www.seeland-medienkooperative.org |
Sektion für Landwirtschaft am Goetheanum | www.goetheanum.ch |
Semillas de Vida | http://www.semillasdevida.org/ |
Seminario Interdisciplinario sobre el Hambre y el Derecho a la Alimentación Adecuada de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires | www.derechoalaalimentacion.org.ar |
Seminkovna, z.s. | https://seminkovny.wordpress.com/ |
Sensitronics | Sensitronics.com |
Serikat Tani Nasional | http://wwww.stn.or.id |
SERUNI - Serikat Perempuan Indonesia | www.seruni.org |
Shape shifters Pilates and health | Shapeshifterspilatesandhealth.com |
Sharaka-Palestine | https://www.facebook.com/groups/360906177468/ |
Sharaka-Palestine | https://www.facebook.com/groups/360906177468/ |
Share The World's Resources | www.sharing.org |
Sheepdrove Trust and Neal's Yard Remedies | http://www.sheepdrove.com/ |
Shiatsu Energie Bordeaux | https://shiatsu-energie-bordeaux.fr |
Sierra Norte Libre de Transgénicos | http://snlibretransgenicos.blogspot.com.es/ |
SIKAD | none |
sin maiz no hay pais | sinmaiznohaypais.org |
Sin Tpp Argentina | https://www.facebook.com/SinTppArgentina/ |
Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores | www.sindicatoandaluz.org |
Sindicato Obrero del Campo | www.socalmeria.wordpress.com |
Sjemaja | www.sjemaja.nl |
Slow Food | http://www.slowfood.com/ |
Slow Food Chile: Frontera del Sur | https://www.facebook.com/slowfood.fronterasur/ |
Slow Food Deutschland e.V. | www.slowfood.de |
Slow Food Redlands | https://www.facebook.com/slowfoodredlands |
Slow Food Sydney | Slowfoodsydney.com |
Slow Food Veneto | www.slowfoodveneto.it |
SLQS (Som lo que sembrem) | www.somloquesembrem.org |
Small is powerful | www.smallispowerful.org |
Socio-ecological union international | www.seu.ru |
Socio-Economic And Environmental Development Solutions (SEEDS) | www.sendseedstoafrica.org |
SODEXO | http://fr.sodexo.com/home.html |
Software AG Foundation | www.sagst.de |
Soil Resources Initiative | soilresources.com |
Soil Resources Initiative | soilresources.com |
SOL (alternatives agroecologiques et solidaires) | https://www.sol-asso.fr |
Solidaritätsdienst International e.V. | www.sodi.de |
Solidarité Mondiale contre la Faim - SMF-Globidar | www.globidar.org |
solidaritéS | solidarites.ch |
Solidarité sans frontières | www.sosf.ch |
Solidarity Sweden - Latin America | www.latinamerikagrupperna.se |
SOLIFONDS | www.solifonds.ch |
SOS Faim | www.sosfaim.lu |
SOS Faim | www.sosfaim.org |
SOS Loire Vivante- ERN France | www.sosloirevivante.org |
Soul Campers - Campervan Rental Portugal | www.soulcampers.com.pt |
Soul Science University | www.soulscienceuniversity.com/ |
SPARTAKOS | www.spartakos.gr |
Spencer Creek Community Growers' Market | spencercreekmarket.org |
Spencer Creek Community Growers' Markets | Spencercreekmarkets.org |
Spin Golf Pty Ltd | Www.spingolf.com.au |
Spkenergy | www.spkenergy.fr |
Springview Eco-Farm | www.springviewecofarm.com.au |
Sproutpeople | www.sproutpeople.org |
Sri Lanka Nature Group | www.srilankanaturegroup.org |
St Andrews TTIP Action Group | Facebook page is St. Andrews TTIP Action Group |
St. Leven met de Aarde | www.blauwvuur.nu |
St. Leven met de Aarde | www.blauwvuur.nu |
St. Operatie Steenbreek | www.operatiesteenbreek.nl |
Steine ohne Grenzen | http://bildhauersymposion.jimdo.com/ |
Stg. Growing Air Foundation | http://www.growingairfoundation.org |
Stichting Boerengroep | http://www.boerengroep.nl |
STichting Ecosystem 2000 | www.ecosystem2000.sr.to |
Stichting Eltsenien | www.eltsenien.nl |
Stichting Groenkracht | www.groenkracht.nl |
Stichting Permacultuur Onderwijs | www.permacultuuronderwijs.nl |
Stichting Stop Ecocide | www.stopecocide.nl |
Stiftung Mindful EBID | ab August |
Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken | www.nord-sued-bruecken.de |
Stiftung TRIGON | www.stiftung-trigon.ch |
Stop Monsanto | Stop-Monsanto.es |
STOP OGM Pacifique | www.stopogmpacifique.org |
Stray Animal Foundation Platform | www.stray-afp.org/nl |
Sundance Natural Foods | sundancenaturalfoods.com |
Sundance Natural Foods | Sundancenaturalfoods.com |
Supermacht | www.supermacht.nl |
SurfNights | https://www.facebook.com/surfights |
Surya Lambhani-Banjara Women Welfare Trust | www.suryasgarden.org |
Sustainable Food Supply Foundation | http://www.sustainablefoodsupply.org |
sustainable living systems | sustainablelivingsystems.org |
Svaha Yoga | www.svahayoga.com |
SWISSAID | www.swissaid.ch |
Sydney Food Fairness Alliance | http://sydneyfoodfairness.org.au |
Sydney Food Fairness Alliance | http://sydneyfoodfairness.org.au |
SYLTRON GmbH | www.syltron.com |
System Change, not Climate Change | http://systemchange-not-climatechange.at/ |
TAKINOA | www.takinoa.com |
Talent Associates | www.talentassociates.com |
Talking Foods GmbH | www.talkingfoods.com |
Taller de Comunicación Ambiental (Rosario) | tallerecologista.org.ar/ |
Tamalpais NatureWorks | www.tamalpais.com |
Tanzania Organization for Agricultural Development (TOfAD) | NA |
TAWI (Transkei Animal Welfare Initiative) | transkeianimalinitiative.org/ |
TEAM Ecosys | www.team-ecosys.nl |
Televant Food | Www.relevantfood.com |
tercare.org | www.tercare.org |
Terre Vivante | www.terrevivante.org |
Terre-en-Vue ASBL | http://www.terre-en-vue.be/ |
The Ark Retreat Center | www.thearkretreatcenter.org |
The Aurora Foundation | http://www.mauigmomoratoriumnews.org/ |
The Canadian Action Party | actionparty.ca |
The digital company | www.thedigitalcompany.fr |
The Fashion rEvolution GmbH | www.better-merchandising.de |
The Green Corner | www.thegreencorner.org |
The Greenhorns | www.thegreenhorns.net |
The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament | http://www.greens-efa.eu/ |
The Hummingbird Project | www.hummingbirdproject.org |
The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside | www.icppc.pl |
The LEAH Advocacy Group | http://bit.ly/2dar6l5 |
The Loft Recording Studios | https://www.facebook.com/The-Loft-Recording-Studios-Bronxville-NY-135535009840267/ |
The Mission of the Great Martyr George the Victorious | http://www.stgeorgy.com/ |
The NEW Health Club | http://TheNewHealthClub.org |
The New York Institute of English and business | www.nyieb.org |
The Organic Adventurer | www.theorganicadventurer.com |
The Shaka Movement | http://www.mauigmomoratoriumnews.org/ |
The Smithy of Campaigners Foundation | www.kampanierzy.pl |
The World Foundation for Natural Science | http://www.naturalscience.org/ |
Tianguis Alternativo de Puebla | https://www.facebook.com/tianguispuebla/?ref=ts&fref=ts |
TIFERETE | https://tiferete.wordpress.com/association-tiferete/ |
Timebank.cc | www.timebank.cc |
Timmins March Against Monsanto | https://m.facebook.com/events/987290307992960/ |
Todos Los 25 Hasta Que Se Vaya Monsanto | http://www.facebook.com/Todos-los-25-hasta-que-se-vaya-Monsanto-709720865724834/ |
Toronto Non-GMO Coalition | www.torontonongmocoalition.org |
Total Health | www.totalhealth.eu |
Tourism for Help | www.tourismforhelp.com |
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Rzek Iny i Gowienicy | www.tpriig.pl |
Toxicsoy.org | www.toxicsoy.org |
Trägerkreis EineWeltHaus München e.V. | www.einewelthaus.de |
tradition terre et chaux | https://www.facebook.com/traditionterreetchaux/ |
Traditional Food Revolution | www.traditionalfoodrevolution.com |
Transition to Organics | www.transition-to-organics.org |
Transition Town Boxtel | www.boxtel.transitiontowns.nl |
Transnational Institute | www.tni.org |
TRIADA | www.triadaconsultancy.eu |
Truites et Rivières | http://www.truitesetrivieres.com |
Tsíntani, A.C. | https://www.facebook.com/tisntaniconservacion/ |
Tso Pema Non-Profit | www.tsopemanonprofit.org |
tuinvereniging Ons Buiten | www.onsbuitenleiden.nl |
UDAPT | http://chevrontoxico.com/ |
UDAPT | http://chevrontoxico.com/about/ |
UGB - Verband für Unabhängige Gesundheitsberatung e.V. - Deutschland | www.ugb.de |
Umweltverein End Ecocide | www.endecocide.org |
Unidos por la Vida y el Medio Ambiente - UPVA | https://www.facebook.com/ONGUPVA/?fref=ts |
Unimundal Collective | www.agp.org |
Union pour un Avenir Ecologique et Solidaire - MALI | - |
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth | uuministryforearth.org |
Universal Translation Services | https://www.universal-translation-services.com/ |
Urban Agriculture Netz Basel | www.urbanagriculture.ch |
Urgenci International Community Supported Agriculture Network | www.urgenci.net |
Values in Nature and the Environment | http://www.vineproject.org.uk/ |
van Fair en Dichtbij | www.vanfairendichtbij.nl |
Vegan3000 | www.vegan3000.info |
Velt | www.2020pesticidevrij.nu |
Verde Vida em Prol da Preservação da Vida | http://verdevida.tk |
Verein Gentechnikfreie Landkreise Ludwigsburg/Rems-Murr e.V. | www.gentechnikfrei21.de |
verein permakultur-landwirtschaft | http://www.permakultur-landwirtschaft.org |
Versalife | http://versalife.com/ |
VHUE e.V. | www.umweltbedingt-erkrankte.de |
ViaVoet Pedicurepraktijk | www.tenenlezen.net |
Vida Pura Portugal | www.vida-pura.com |
VIDHAI FOUNDATION | facebook.com/vidhaifoundation |
Vigilance OGM | www.vigilanceogm.org |
Vigilance OGM 46 | https://vo46.wordpress.com/ |
Vikalpani National Women's Federation | vikalpani.lk |
VitaVerDura | http://www.vitaverdura.ch |
Voedsel.Coop | Platform voor coöperatieve levensmiddelenwinkels | www.voedsel.coop |
VOF Wyverns Keep | wyvernskeep.nl |
Voix d'Elles Rebelles | www.voixdellesrebelles.fr/ |
VSF Justicia Alimentaria Global | www.vsf.org.es |
WADADA ARTISTS GROUP | https://www.facebook.com/wadadaartistsgroup/ |
Wake Up! | www.greenupfilmfestival.com |
War on Want | www.waronwant.org |
Water Air & You | Www.waterairandyou.com |
We Are One, Inc - www.WeAreOne.cc - WAO | http://www.WeAreOne.cc |
We Are One, Inc - www.WeAreOne.cc - WAO | http://www.WeAreOne.cc |
We The World | we.net |
WeMove Europe | www.wemove.eu |
Werkgroep Aardig Beheer | https://aardigbeheer.org |
Werkgroep Earthtrusteeship | https://earthtrusteeship.wordpress.com/ |
Werkgroep Voedselrechtvaardigheid | www.foodjustice.eu |
WEROES | www.weroes.com |
West Oaks Chiropractic Clinic | www.westoakschiropractic.com |
WeWanttoknow | http://www.wanttoknow.nl/gezondheid/voedsel/monsanto-tribunaal-14-16-oktober-in-den-haag/ |
Whitton House | www.whittonhouse.nl |
WhyHunger | www.WhyHunger.org |
WIDE+ (Women In Development +) | wideplus.org |
WildBee.ch | Www.wildbee.ch |
Wildcat Research Inc. | www.wildcatresearch.com |
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah | www.wrcnu.org |
WILPF-USA, Advancing Human Rights National Issues Committee | www.wilpfus.org |
Wilson Produce | www.wilsonproduce.com |
Wine & Water Watch | www.winewaterwatch.org |
Wise Seeds of Learning | Wiseseedsoflearning.com |
WITHOUTBOUNDARY | under re-Creation: https://wbworld.wordpress.com/ |
WKE | Www.annette-kurz.de |
Wolfsschutz Deutschland in Pro Naturschutz Sachsen e. V. (GRÜNE LIGA Sachsen) | www.wolfsschutz-deutschland.de |
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom US/Earth Democracy Group | http://wilpfus.org/our-work/earth-democracy-0 |
Women's International League of Peace and Freedom US Secction | www.wilpfus.org |
Women's Leadership Institute for Conscious Coaching | www.WomensOnlineCoachTraining.com |
Wood Prairie Family Farm | www.woodprairie.com |
World March of Women | www.worldmarchofwomen.org |
World Family (UK) | www.worldfamilyonline.org |
World Ferret Union & World Ferret Information Centre | http://www.wfu-wfic.org/ |
World Music Center Inc. | www.lemsdworkin.com |
World Permaculture Association | www.world-permaculture.org |
World Permaculture Association | www.world-permaculture.org |
World Rainforest Movement (WRM) | wrm.org.uy |
Wormenbakkenwinkel | Www.wormenbakkenwinkel.nl |
WORMS asbl | www.wormsasbl.org |
WWOOF France | www.wwoof.fr |
Www.corsuba.8m.com | Www.corsuba.8m.com |
Young Seedkeepers | https://www.facebook.com/Young-Seedkeepers-1075637142500001/ |
YOUTH-LEADER | www.youth-leader.org |
ZEGG Bildungszentrum gGmbH | www.zegg.de |
Zeitschrift Oya - anders denken. anders leben | www.oya-online.de |
ZERO - Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável | www.zero.ong |
Zero Biocidas | http://zero-biocidas.blogspot.com.ar/ |
Zivilcourage Vogelsberg | http://zivilcourage-vogelsberg.de/ |
Zo Indigenous Forum | www.zoindigenous.blogspot.com |
zorgboerderij De Weide Blik | www.zorgboerderijdeweideblik.nl |
Zwergenwiese, Naturkost GmbH | www.zwergenwiese.de |